Sabtu, 29 Januari 2011

The Properties of Positive Energy

It is interesting how the word energy has become a part of our daily lives. Some believe that energy is neutral, till we personalize it and label it positive or negative. Everything on this earth is energy. In physics, energy, an Ancient Greek word, energeia, is an indirectly observed quantity. It is often understood as the ability of a physical system to do work on other physical systems. Since work is defined as a force acting through a distance (a length of space), energy is always equivalent to the ability to exert pulls or pushes against the basic forces of nature, along a path of a certain length.

To have a deeper appreciation of energy around us, I hope you find a walk through the halls of science interesting and fascinating. It was argued for some years whether energy was a substance (the caloric) or merely a physical quantity, such as momentum.
The concept of energy is widespread in all sciences. In chemistry, in biology, in geology, the continental drift, mountain ranges, volcanoes and earthquakes are phenomena that can be explained in terms of energy transformations in the Earth's interior. While meteorological phenomena like wind, rain, hail, snow, lightning, tornadoes and hurricanes are all a result of energy transformations brought about by solar energy on the Earth's atmosphere.

Cosmology and astronomy with the phenomena of stars, supernova, quasars and gamma ray bursts are the universe's highest- output energy transformations of matter. Stellar phenomena, solar activity are driven by various kinds of energy transformations.
So let positive energy enter into our lives. Welcome it. Every moment of our waking life, energy surrounds us. It is a gift of Nature that we can use to our best advantage, or squander it to our peril. We can choose to be happy and attract positive energy, or resist and thus create negative energy and be miserable. Life moves along, it is never static, ever for those who are languishing in illness and pain. While there is breath, there is life.

There is so much to understand about the power of positive energy. Volumes are written on the advantage and healing property of a positive energy or attitude. The positive energy/ attitude is closely linked to the law of attraction. Consider the highest output of energy transformations occuring in cosmology and astronomy- why not tap into this source to power everyone's positive energy. The elements air, earth, water and fire are loaded with energy we can draw upon. It is ours for the asking, or for the taking, in return, we show our gratitude by respecting and conserving energy.
Since energy is a force, feel it, direct it in a positive way to enhance your physical, mental and emotional state. Let it help you develop positive habits that will let you live with less stress, find greater happiness and fulfillment in your relationships and career.

A person with positive energy:
a. is encouraged to shift thoughts, perception, habits and feel more alive
b. exudes kindness, compassion and self-confidence
c. feels safe, is not fearful, compatible, relaxed and attracts people
d. emanate peace and is friendly
e. finds healing from past or present trauma or illness
f. full of vitality, strength and courage that helps sustain mental and physical activity
g. heightens and deepens intuitive abilities and focus
h. basis for the law of attraction, strengthens opening yourself to all possibilities

A person with negative energy:
a. given to self-sabotage, self-destruction and always distracted
b. nurtures a victim complex, feels demeaned, attacked, constrained
c. feels tense and uneasy
d. sends out unpleasant vibrations, and not sociable
e. low energy level, prone to sickness and other health problems
It is a fact that some people give out positive or negative energy. There are those who can zap the energy out of the person next to them.
Life is about energy, creativity, the rhythmns of existence. Positive energy helps us to feel and direct the amazing interconnections of the world within us and around us.
Power of Positive Energy by Jon Gordon
Positive Energy by Judith Orloff
Wikipedia: What is Energy
Bonnie Moss writes to inspire and to motivate her readers to explore the depths of their heart and soul and make a difference in this world. She draws from personal experience and her interest in spirituality. Visit her website:

Selasa, 25 Januari 2011

Zap Your Tolerations: 10 Ways to Tolerate Nothing

As humans we put up with a lot of stuff, most of which isn't necessary. Putting up with tolerations holds us back, causes us grief and wastes a lot of our time and energy. Many of us were brought up not to complain, that life is difficult, not to "rock the boat", to go along with others, to be "grateful for what you have" etc. None of which is bad advice. Being flexible, adaptable, having gratitude-are all good virtues. But sometimes we operate at such a virtuous level that the virtues turn into vices.

I like to define tolerations as things that bug us, zap our energy and could be eliminated. For most people I've coached, as much as 80 percent of their lives involve carrying tolerations around. Tolerations are holes in your personal success cup, they drain away your contentment and your good fortune. As an infant or child, we didn't tolerate ANYTHING, did we? But as we grew up, we were told to not be so selfish, so we learned how to tolerate (i.e. accept, be patient, wait your turn, be understanding, look on the bright side, compromise, etc.)

Quite frankly, the more you tolerate, the less attractive you'll be to yourself and to the people to whom you matter the most. Because when a person learns to take a no-tolerations approach to their life, they are happier, more fun to be around. They have extra energy to express their values versus their egos because they have developed the confidence to speak up and change things, because they want to.

The 10 Steps to A Toleration-Free Life-Take the time to complete the following 10 steps to start to reduce the tolerations in your life!!!

1-Understand that putting up with things is good for no one
2-Make a list of ten things you are tolerating at work
3-Make the requests and/or take the actions to eliminate those items
4-Make a list of ten things you are tolerating at home
5-Make the requests and/or take the actions to eliminate those items
6-Understand that you are getting "juiced" or payoffs by tolerating things
7-Be willing and committed to being toleration free
8-Stop complaining: instead, make a strong request
9-Invest $1000 to handle the tasks and/or chores that pain you (housekeeper, lawn service, handyman service, virtual assistant)
10-After doing steps 1-9 above, do them again with a new set of 10 tolerations

You will find by committing to this exercise, you will stop wasting energy, trying to manage situations that shouldn't be there in the first place. You will have more energy to devote to your quality of life and will become a model for your business associates, friends and family as to what's possible for them in this area.

Mandy Schumaker, President of Higher Performing People, is a former sales and management executive in the newspaper industry, who has extensive experience in executive coaching, leadership development, sales and marketing, facilitation and team building. She has a gift for helping executives and entrepreneurs maintain their focus and hold themselves and others accountable, which in turn helps them to become more effective, productive leaders. Mandy can be reached at or 207-653-6977

Jumat, 21 Januari 2011

Managing Our Emotions, Impulses, and Behaviors

In dealing with other people, we are going to experience emotions. These emotions will give rise to impulses. These impulses can dictate our behavior if we let them.
We have had a really good day, and now everything is in line with the universe. We are feeling very happy! So, we are very nice and generous to every one that we meet.
The next day, it seems like everyone is out to get us; the clerk at the store was rude, our boss wants us to do extra work that we don't really have the time for, and our kids call us on the cell phone to ask if we can drive them somewhere when we get off work. So, then, we feel frazzled, anxious and a little ticked off. So, we storm through the day, hardly noticing any one else, much less bothering to respond to them.
Such is life. But, ultimately, we are in control of all of this. It does not seem like it at the time, but we are. We certainly can not control the flow of the universe, what emotions come up, how we feel about things, or if we have an emotional outburst.
It's after the realization that our emotions have come to the fore, and given rise to impulsive behaviors, that is the important part. What we do next, makes the difference.
First off, other people are going to elicit emotional responses from us. That's just a fact. We are not robots or Vulcans who are perfectly logical. We are humans. We are wired to experience a myriad of emotions. We have all had inner wounds, that people may find on accident, or on purpose, and push our buttons, or trigger our defenses. If we can admit that, then that is half of the battle.
Once someone has triggered an emotion in us, we should take a moment to reflect. Is it this actual event that has caused this emotion, or is this a soft spot left over from another incident where we were hurt? If it is a defensive reaction from an old wound, then we can acknowledge that, and not allow that to seep back into this event. We can take a deep breath, calm down, and move on.
If it is this event that has caused this emotion, then we can acknowledge that, too. Our feelings are a part of us, and our emotions are as important as anyone else's. They are more important to us, because we have to live with them. If someone causes an emotion in us, we have the right to speak up about that, and in the interest of our relationships with others, we should. If we keep something in, it will eat at us and could become a toxic dump where other emotions go to fester within us. So, examine this emotion, identify what has caused it, and speak your peace. If the other person is willing to listen and communicate with you, you have taken a step forward, possibly in both of your developments. If the other person can not deal with this because of their own emotions, then, we may be at an impasse with them. It can be very sad and disappointing when this happens. If we can not move forward with another person, then we may have to let them go their own way, or leave that job, or just do our best to be good to that person to try and show them how you want to be treated, by treating them in that way.
Most of us realize that we are in control of our impulses. Some people with ADHD and other developmental problems may have a little more trouble controlling their impulsivity than other people.
The ability to control our impulses is a key in dealing with other people. If we kissed everyone that we found attractive, and smacked everyone that made us mad, we would have serious problems, wouldn't we?! Impulse control is up to us to cultivate.
If an emotion spurs an impulse, examine that impulse and what emotion guided it. Then decide what course of action would be best in the situation. Would acting on this impulse help the situation in any way? Or, would carrying out this impulse endanger you or anyone else in any way?
If we can become proficient at impulse control, we can channel our impulses into constructive tools to build relationships. Just remember that you do have a right to your emotions and opinions. If your heart is screaming that it must act on something, then you should listen. But, you should act from a place of love, peace and compassion after all of the components are examined. Many wonderful friendships and relationships have been built because someone felt the need to speak up. Peace has been made between countries because one side spoke up about something bothering them in such a way that the other county's leaders were willing to listen and act. Tact should always be employed, and that is a skill to cultivate as well.
We are in charge of our own personal behavior. Emotions are going to happen. Impulses are going to come up, but it's up to us how we behave after that fact. I think that "The Golden Rule", was an important philosophy that has been unfortunately cast to the wayside nowadays. If we all treated others as we would like to be treated in a situation, our understanding, compassion and impulse control would become second nature to us, and we could with practice, know that we have done unto others, as we would have done to us. Too many people are doing unto others, before they do unto them. That way lies the destruction of civilized society, and the invitation to chaos.
It's all up to you. And it's all up to me. And it's all up to them. So, it's all up to us. What do we want the future to look like for our children, and their's?
Think about it!
Rev. Angelia Schwarz-Coleman, CDCP
Works of Heart-Women's Ministry, Outreach & Education