Minggu, 30 Oktober 2011

Things You Are Not Supposed To Think Of

The human brain is such a big storage for ideas that sometimes it makes an individual think so much. Thinking can be good! The brain gets challenged and the individual becomes more analytical in his thinking. Good thoughts make man happy and healthy. On the other hand, unpleasant thoughts make man unhappy, unhealthy and basically unproductive. Although having unpleasant thoughts can't be avoided, an individual has the choice whether to continue thinking of an idea or not. Some of the things which a person should not think of are the following:

1. Things that destroy the core beliefs. The core beliefs of a person are those which he strongly holds on to as a result of his personal experiences that developed over time. The core beliefs are the basis for his action, reaction and non-reaction in his every circumstance. Things that destroy the core beliefs bring confusion and indecision. Although change is good, a person must know which of his beliefs need to be changed. If your core beliefs make you a better person, stick to it!

2. Things that bring worry and fear. Worry and fear are both negative emotions. But the cause for worry and fear may be a legitimate problem. If this is the case, then the best thing to do is analyze the problem and find a solution for it. If a solution can't found for the time being, then it is not worth thinking of for a while. Eventually a solution can be found when it is least expected. There are other things you can do. Don't let worry and fear bind you!

3. Things that bring sadness. As one of the basic emotions, temporary sadness can be an experience of feeling helpless. When one feels sad, he can cry and sob despite the disapproval of other people. But the feeling should not dwell in the person's heart. A man must not say that tears won't stop flowing out from his eyes. It's a choice that he won't stop crying. Remember that sobbing don't make a man helpless. Being sad sometimes just shows the human side of a person. Some people say that when you experience sadness then you will have the opportunity to experience happiness. So, be sad for a moment then be happy!

4. Things that cause anger. Anger is an emotion which shows intolerance of an ill-treatment. Anger may be an impulsive reaction for self-preservation. It may also be a reaction to an unfair treatment. And there is anger which results from offense on the character of the individual. Please don't ask me about the anger of Jesus in John 2:12-25. That's a different story. But like sadness, anger should not dwell in the heart. Anger makes an individual lose control. Most of the times, the sudden rage makes a person do unlawful acts. And it can forever change to a life full of regrets. The mind is over the heart. Simply put, reason should take control over the emotion!

5. Things which are annoying. Sources of annoyance may be a person or something which causes trouble or irritation and eventually makes another person unhappy. Before you get annoyed by a person with what he does, try to see if it's unintentional and just an honest mistake. It is possible that it is your fault you feel that way. When you are sure that it's not about you, don't get mad at the person. Feel sorry for him for he may need help. A person getting annoyed should stay calm. It would be better if he can laugh about it. Remember what other people say... laughter is the best medicine!

Avoid thinking of these things. It may be difficult but not impossible. Don't let these things stress you out. Time is valuable and irrecoverable. Spend time wisely and think happy thoughts... always!

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